Importing shifts into Ento can be a useful way to work with a large number of shifts
Core HR > Account Data > Import Data
Importing shifts
- To start a new file import, go to Core HR > Account Data > Import Data and click Create new.
- Open the Type dropdown list and select Shifts.
- The purple bar under the file selection will then update to include a Click here link for downloading a CSV template that includes all the fields necessary to get importing.
More general information on preparing import files can be found in Importing data overview.
Shift import requirements
The import will require shift date, label, type, and role ID, as indicated by the asterisk* in the field header of the CSV template file.
Other data can be included, but is not required:
- Shift ID (if generated in another system, otherwise leave blank)
- employee ID
- Shift start time
- Shift end time
- Break length
- Break start time
Once you have created your import file, use the File ‘Select’ button to select your file for uploading. Only the ‘Create’ mode is available for shift file imports.
Shifts imported into a date range not covered by an existing roster (featuring the location containing the shifts role) will be ignored.
Shifts imported into date ranges that are covered by existing published rosters will be automatically marked as published and accepted by any allocated employee .
The most common reason for file import failure is not customising the date field format to YYYY-MM-DD.
Double check role IDs, and ensure the Type is ‘shift’ for regular shifts (may be on call or call out if these shift types are used in your account).
For error troubleshooting and more on file import types and modes, check out the Importing data overview article.
Shift exports
You can export shifts from an existing roster, which uses the Custom shifts CSV format. This will allow you to work with your data in a spreadsheeting program before creating a new Shifts.CSV import file.
Use the tips on creating an Export templates – Custom shifts CSV template, and check you have the fields required for the shifts import.
Where to now?
Export templates – Custom shifts CSV