Quickly add or update budgets for roster locations using the import data process
Core HR > Account Data > Import Data
Budgets for each location are a useful way to see how your business is tracking. While budgets can be manually set for a location when creating a roster, you can also import budget data for multiple locations across multiple rosters all at once using the file import process.
Importing budget data
- To start a new file import, go to Core HR > Account Data > Import Data and click Create new.
- Open the Type dropdown list and select Budget.
- The purple bar under the file selection will then update to include a Click here link for downloading a CSV template that includes all the fields necessary to get importing.
More on preparing import files can be found in Importing data overview.
Budget data import options
The CSV template contains a header row with a large number of columns allowing for budget data for specific timeframes to be uploaded, but only fields marked as mandatory (as indicated with an asterisk in the field header) need to be included, all other fields are optional.
All column headers need to be included in the upload file, even if you are not including time specific budget data. Simply leave those fields blank.
Once you have run an import, you will be taken to the results page, or to view import results go to the Core HR > Account data > Import data home page.
Below are the details of the columns and specifications for the data for each.
Columns | Field | Data type | Length limit/format | Example | Description |
A | Area ID* | Reference | 20 | AR10013 | The unique ID of the area this day budget is associated with. The ID you enter here must match the ID of an existing non-deleted area |
B | Date* | Date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-10-02 | The date applicable for the budget |
C | Budget* | Number | 10,2 (currency) | 23500.00 | Total budget for the day in the area. Will be ignored if hourly budgets are set1 |
D-AB | [timeframe] Budget1 | Number | 10,2 (currency) | 970.00 | The total budget for the specified hour. Combined with budgets for each of the other hours imported should equal the daily overall budget. |
*Mandatory field 1If available on your plan