Export your payroll data when you want it, how you want it
Settings > Export Templates
When you click 'Export' on many pages, like Review Timesheets or Shift History, you're presented with a list of export template options. We'll load many into the system for you, but if you want to create your own, look no further than Settings > Export Templates.
To get started, click 'Create new' (or edit an existing one) and give the template a name and choose the type of template it will be.
Loadings - Allows export of earning rate types and costs for payroll queries.
Shifts - Provides a breakdown of various versions of shifts, whether as scheduled, authorised or a comparison of different versions.
Employee - Export a list of all active employees in your account and any of the details saved against them. In this case - we'll pick 'Loadings'.
Once you've selected the type, hit 'Save' and you'll be taken to the field screen, which will offer you different details that you can include on the report depending on the type you selected.
Custom loadings export
You’ll now need to select exactly what information you want to be included when you use this template to export payroll. To start with, you should select 'One row per combination of'. This functionality allows you to flatten the data into less rows or more relevant data with various variables. You can select 'do not flatten', which will present the data in the earning rate breakdowns per timesheet, as often seen by the system. Otherwise, you can combine all data for each employee to a single line, or combine all data for each employee and location, meaning each employee will have a separate line for each location they worked etc. You can use this to flatten data by date, roles, or any of the other options available.
After that choice, simply continue adding other fields to the report that you would like exported. Before saving, click Generate a Preview and you can see an example of the data you've chosen.
If you wish to update the order of the columns, drag them around within the preview before finally clicking the Save button to preserve all of the above.
You can export using loadings templates from Payroll & Leave > Paycycles.