Import unavailability into Ento to quickly block out unavailable time for employees
Core HR > Account Data > Import Data
Importing unavailability
- To start a new file import, go to Core HR>Account Data>Import Data and click Create new.
- Open the Type dropdown list and select Unavailability.
- The purple bar under the file selection will then update to include a Click here link for downloading a CSV template that includes all the fields necessary to get importing.
- An example of the data to be entered will also display.
More general information on preparing import files can be found in Importing data overview.
Unavailability import requirements
The import will require a unique ID for the instance of unavailability, along with the employee ID and date.
From there, you can add other data as required, such as:
- the duration – if it’s ‘all day’
- start and end times – if it doesn’t last the entire day
- end date – if it goes for longer than one day
- how often it reoccurs – ‘every week’ etc as per the submission form, or simply ‘Once off’
- any applicable notes
- the status it should be added as – Pending or Approved
Once you have imported the data successfully, it will appear and can be edited under Rostering > Unavailability.