Learn how to kick off a new workflow for existing staff
Onboarding & workflows > Workflows
Getting started
- Navigate to Onboarding & workflows > Workflows > Create new
- Select one of the Other workflow templates from the dropdown list
Set the due date, assign a staff member and workflow manager, and then determine if it is mandatory for the staff member to complete.
Click Create, and you'll be taken straight to your new workflow, with the greyed out checkmark circle indicating the current stage.
The workflow manager will receive an email with a link to the first stage of the workflow. Once the initial internal actions are completed, the staff member is notified of their required actions, which may be reviewing updated policies and procedures, completing a form or signing a contract.
Progress is communicated to the candidate as they move through the workflow, and staff are given an indication of how long the action will take.
As hiring manager you receive email notifications and can view the progress in the Workflow tracker. Once the workflow is completed the staff member can click through to the Staff area home page.