Export employee information directly to KeyPay.
Integration format: CSV file TheKeyPay Employee Export add-on allows you to easily import employee data to KeyPay.
Initial setup
The KeyPay integration can be added to your account by navigating to Add-Ons > KeyPayEmployee Export.
Export options are set within the add-on edit screen:
Name*: The export template name as it will appear in the list of available Employee exports on the Core HR > People > Employees > Export page - will default to KeyPay.
Configuring Ento to map data for KeyPay
To ensure that Ento creates an export file that will be imported to KeyPay successfully and without errors, you'll need to ensure that:
- The Core Data External ID in KeyPay is automatically mapped to the Employee ID/External ID in Ento, this is a locked field
- Each section is mapped to the corresponding data type in KeyPay - sections to be mapped are Core Data, Tax File Declaration, Pay Run Setup, Emergency Contacts, Bank Accounts and Super Funds
- All required fields indicated with an asterisk* must be mapped. All other data mapping is optional, so you only need to map the fields containing the data you want sent to KeyPay.
- The lock icon is used to indicate fields that cannot be edited
- Once a field has been matched, click Done
- You can open all fields in a section to edit by clicking Edit all, and then click Done editing
- Once all fields have been mapped, click Save.
Some fields will require specific values to be accepted by KeyPay, or they won't be exported from Ento:
- Employment Type: Full Time/Part Time/Casual/Labour Hire/Superannuation Income Stream
- Title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr
- Gender: Male/Female
This should all be set up during your Ento implementation, so for any future changes or additions, it's advised to chat to Ento Support for assistance.
Help using KeyPay
For assistance with your KeyPay system, including importing employee details files, please contact the KeyPay support team or your KeyPay account manager.