Grant manager access to Ento for other managers or supervisors to share the duties of managing your workplace.
Core HR > People > Managers
Add managers with full access to the Ento account (super managers), control their access level, or limit to specific locations and employees.
Adding managers
The simplest way to add managers is individually, and even if your implementation consultant uploaded all of your managers when setting up your account, you’ll very likely need to update manager permissions or details, and create additional managers in time. To view existing managers and add new ones, go to Core HR > People > Managers and click Create new.
Complete all the fields, ensuring you have the correct manager permissions profile, which determines what the manager can see and do, and the correct access level, which determines the level of access in the Type drop down of the Access to section.
If you are using permissions based features like cost visibility restrictions, such as preventing managers from seeing other managers' base rates or shift costs, use the same Staff ID for their Manager ID, linking the manager profile to their employee account.
Through the 'Access' dropdown on the manager edit screen you can dictate which areas of the business the manager has visible to them. A manager can have company access, giving them visibility over all employees and locations within the account; Location group access, giving them visibility on any location groups setup through Core HR > Organisation Structure > Location Groups; Store access, giving them visibility on specific stores setup through Core HR > Organisation Structure > Locations.
Permission groups
If the ‘Access’ determines which staff and locations a manager should be able to see, the “Permissions” indicates how much information they can view or edit, and what actions they can perform. You may already have a permission group set up that matches what you’re after, so head to Settings > Manager Permissions:
Then check the permission groupings used by existing managers by clicking 'Edit' on the permission group and checking each tab's settings:
Otherwise, you can always create an entirely new permission group to better suit their needs. If you are using permissions-based features like cost visibility restrictions, such as preventing managers from seeing other managers’ base rates or shift costs, make sure to use the same Staff ID for their Manager ID, linking the manager profile to their staff account.
Logging in for the first time
The new manager will need to be provided with first-time login details to access their manager profile. If the manager has an existing staff profile within Ento they will still need to set a new password for the manager area as these two areas use separate login credentials.
The company manager setting up the manager profile is able to set a temporary password for the manager to use for their initial login (see screenshot below), or alternatively the manager can follow the 'Forgot password' steps through the login page by entering the email address linked with their manager login to receive a temporary password.
For any companies utilising our TFN add-on there will be a requirement to setup 2-Step Authentication for added security within the account when they login for the first time.
Importing managers
To start a new file import, go to Core HR > Account data > Import data and click Create new. Open the Type dropdown list and select Managers.
The purple bar under the file selection will then update to include a Click here link for downloading a CSV template that includes all the fields necessary to get importing.
More general information on preparing import files can be found in Importing data overview.