Leave is paid or unpaid time off work that employees are entitled to under their award. There are usually several types with varying entitlements, usually limited to permanent full or part time employees. Depending on your settings, leave can either be requested by employee, pending approval by a manager, or entered by a manager on behalf of the employee.
Approving requests
To review and approve leave_vacation, go to Payroll & Leave > Leave.
All pending requests are shown by default. Use search filters to view requests for a particular employee, for a particular date range, or to also see leave that has been approved, rejected or retracted.
Leave can then be approved, edited and retracted from this list as required.
Approving and retracting are as simple as clicking the button. Editing allows for making changes when the leave hasn't yet been approved. Once a leave request has been approved, it must be retracted and resubmitted, which will ensure the changes and approver details are recorded correctly.
Creating requests
To create a new leave request on your employeess behalf, click the Create new button at the top of the page. On the following page, select the employee, leave type, and the number of hours for each day of leave.
By default weekends and public holidays are skipped for multi-day requests. If the employee has no leave types available, or not the one you're looking for, this is set in the award and can be altered in award settings.
Public Holidays
When employees are required to be paid for a public holiday without working, you will need to create an instance of Public Holiday Leave for the day instead of a shift.
If the employee also works, and should be paid differently that they usually would be paid, that should be reflected in their award setup. Roster them on that day as usual, but don't create the Leave entry.
Public Holidays need to be created for each region. Go to Payroll & Leave > Public Holidays to ensure the system is aware that it's a public holiday, and for which locations and employees that will apply. To learn more including how to use bulk upload to create them, read Public holidays.
Leave Balances
Hours are taken from Leave balances when the Leave is actually taken, not when it's booked in, as it hasn't occurred at that point, and the company could still be lible for it.
Similarly, the Leave balances update when the paycycle is processed, as that's when the shifts they earn Leave hours for are confirmed and locked down. These balances are updated according to the leave_vacation accrual rates set up in the employees award settings.
Leave balance history
Managers with System log access can see the Leave Balance History page, under Payroll & Leave > Reports.
This page tracks all accruals and deductions for each individual leave type for each employee, shows what triggered the change, whether it was via an upload, a pay cycle being processed or the employee using their leave.
Use the search feature to filter for a specific employee, pay cycle or for just accruals or deductions, very helpful for illustrating balance updates to employees.