Allow your employees to save hours of overtime or other earning rates as Time Off in Lieu, allowing them to utilise it later
Have a strict balance, limit and conversion process surrounding your TOIL procedure for employees. Set it up per Employment_contract, and then convert it as you see fit, or ask your employees if they approve of the conversion first. Any saved hours can then be booked off just like any other form of leave_vacation.
Activating TOIL in your account
Settings > Company Settings > Payroll & Leave
The initial step of turning on 'Use time in lieu (TOIL)?' is simply turning on the option for your account. This won't allow any conversion yet, but simply turns the options on for the next step.
Turning on TOIL per award
Payroll & Leave > Awards > Edit
Under the 'TOIL Configuration' section, you can set up further conditions on the Employment_contract level.
Accrual: You can select whether TOIL accrues by time (Five hours of double-pay will equate to 5 hours of TOIL) or by penalty (Five hours of double-pay will equate to 10 hours of TOIL).
Maximum: Choose if employees should have a maximum amount of TOIL saved at any one time.
Conversion: This offers each of your earning rates, and you can select one or more of the earning rates that can be converted to TOIL. This will often be overtime or public holiday earning rates.
Pre-approval: Where TOIL is seen as possible (if it already sees it hits a TOIL earning rate, or if the shift goes longer than expected, and so could hit TOIL), choose whether employee should see an option to pre-approve conversion when they clock out. This won't convert the TOIL, it will simply prompt the employee to give their approval for it to be converted.
Expiration: Choose whether TOIL hours should expire if they aren't used within a certain amount of time. Once you've set the above, remember to click 'Save' at the bottom of the page, and you're all set for TOIL accrual! Now to set up which Managers can convert hours to TOIL.
Manager Permissions
Settings > Manager Permissions > Payroll & Leave
On the Manager Permissions page you can choose whether a manager is able to convert all eligible hours (those chosen under the 'Conversion' section in the last step) to TOIL, or whether they require the employee to have pre-approved the conversion first. You can also block some managers from converting to TOIL at all.
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