Eligible hours can be converted to TOIL manually through the timesheet
Time & Attendance > Review Timesheets
When TOIL is set up in your account, timesheets that are eligible will be flagged on the timesheet page so that you're aware that it can be converted. Timesheets will never be automatically converted to TOIL, and bulk authorising timesheets will never convert 'TOIL possible' timesheets into TOIL - it must be manually done.
The 'TOIL possible' flag will show on any shift that has triggered TOIL, or that has gone later or longer than anticipated, as any of those conditions may have allowed for TOIL.
Quick Convert
For any timesheet that already displays 'TOIL possible', you can quick convert using the green 'Authorise' tick button.
A popup will open with information and a few different options - you can convert the presented amount of hours to TOIL, keep it as the current earning rates (whether that's overtime, public holiday etc) or edit the hours manually.
Edit Manually
If you want to change the hours that are converted to TOIL, you can choose 'Edit Manually' on the popup. Alternatively, click 'Edit Timesheet' rather than the green 'Authorise' tick. Either option will take you to the usual Edit Timesheet page, where you can alter the details of the shift itself.
After making any changes, tick the 'Take me to TOIL conversion page once I save' box and then hit 'Save'.
TOIL Conversion Page
On the conversion page, you can see bars that represent the shift, with the shaded section representing that which will be converted, and the non-shaded section representing the part of the shift that's eligible for conversion.
It also provides this information at the box below the bar, where you enter the hours you want to be converted out of the maximum. The purple box provides a calculation of the employees current TOIL balance (prior to this conversion), the TOIL being accrued if this timesheet is converted, and their balance as a result of that.
Finalise this conversion by pressing 'Convert & Authorise' and the hours will then immediately be added to their TOIL balance.