Once you have logged into your account, it is time to explore! Most of the pages are self-explanatory, but in case you have questions, it's worth a quick read below. To navigate to an area of your account, click on the Magnifier glass in the right corner of the pane. If there is a number in a small red circle to the left of a menu item, it means there is something that requires your attention.
. On some pages, you will find search functionality. This is indicated and accessible by clicking the smallNote: If a feature listed below does not show as a menu item in your account, it means your manager has not turned it on yet.
Calendar view
The calendar view shows you all your:
- Shifts (Pending acknowledgement and acknowledged)
- Notes added to you on the schedule by your manager
- Leave_vacation (Pending and approved requests)
- Unavailability (Approved only)
- Fill-ins (Shifts needing a fill-in, shifts you have indicated availability, shifts you have indicated unavailability)
To view the details of all the items on a day, click on it. Navigate the calendar months using the < and > buttons in the top right. Items shown in red or with a red border require your attention.
Check shifts
The check shifts location is where you will find all the upcoming shifts you have been assigned. Shifts you have not yet acknowledged (if your manager has the 'shift acknowledgement' setting turned on) will be listed under the Pending acknowledgement heading. To acknowledge a shift, click on it then the Acknowledge button.
If you are unable to work a shift listed under Upcoming, click on it and chose one of the options:
Drop - Dropping a shift won't automatically remove yourself from the shift, but it will send your manager a message indicating you can't work it.
Swap - The shift swap feature allows you to select a colleague's shift to switch with one of your own. The request will first be sent to your manager before your colleague is contacted for their approval. We recommend contacting and clearing this with the person you intend to swap with before using this page.
Give - The shift gives feature works in a similar fashion to the shift swap feature; however you don't need to elect one of your colleague shifts to pickup in exchange.
A timesheet is the actual hours you worked for a scheduled shift. The timesheets location will only be available if the company you work for has indicated they want their employees entering timesheets after they have been worked - which is not common.
If the menu item is available, you can click in and view a list of your timesheets, split between those pending your entry and those that have already been entered.
To enter a timesheet, click on it, complete the form details then click the Save button. A timesheet can be edited under the Latest timesheets menu until the point your manager approves them - then they are locked.
Fill-ins needed
The fill-ins needed location shows you shifts your manager has added to a published schedule but not yet filled. Keep an eye on this location if you are looking to pick up some more shifts! Shifts on this page have been broken up into three categories:
Shifts Needing a Fill-in - Under this heading you will find all shifts without anyone assigned that match a_role you can work, during a time you're not already working. To indicate your availability for any of these shifts, click on the shift, then click the Available or Not available button.
Shifts you have indicated availability - If you find you are no longer available, click on the shift then confirm your unavailability.
Shifts you have indicated unavailability - If you find you now available for a shift you have previously indicated unavailability for, click on the shift then confirm.
View full schedules
In the view full schedule location, you will find a list of all schedules you have shifts on. To check your shifts (and who you're working with), click on the schedule then use the ← → arrows or Calendar to navigate days. If you are using the calendar, all days you have shifts on will be highlighted.
Unavailability requests are once off or recurring periods of time you don't want shifts scheduled in. They will be communicated to your manager as they build future schedules.
The unavailability location will list all your pending and accepted unavailability requests. You can also search for rejected and retracted requests by clicking the small Magnifier glass button.
To create a new request, click the + button. Complete all fields and then click the Create button. The request will be sent to your manager for approval.
Leave_vacation is paid or unpaid time off work that full time and part time employees are entitled to under employment standards. The leave/vacation location will list all your pending and accepted leave_vacation requests.
You can also search for retracted requests by clicking the small Magnifier glass button. To create a new request, click the + button. Complete all the fields and then Create. The request will be sent to your manager for approval.
The discussion location can be used by your manager for announcements, and open discussions with you and your colleagues. To read and / or comment on a discussion, click on it in the list page. Discussions you haven't read will be bolded.
The files location can be used by your manager to share images, documents and other files with you and your colleagues. To download a file, click on it in the list page. Files you haven't downloaded will be bolded.
Messages / Contact manager
The messages location will list all the messages send to you by the system on behalf of your manager. To read a message, click on it.
To send a message to your manager, click the + button. Once you have written the message and clicked Send. It will be emailed to your manager.
Calendar sync / Settings
In the settings area, you can update password and PIN (if your company is using the Time Clock in PIN mode).
You can also get a link to sync your future and past shifts with your personal calendar, but more details on that can be found later on in the Calendar sync guide page.