Taking a look at how to manage your roster and shifts in the Ento employee area
The training video below will take you through how to manage your roster and shifts within the Ento staff area.
Home page
Once you’ve logged into the staff area, you will arrive at the home page. Here you will see your schedule over the next 7 days. This page will allow you to:
- Acknowledge your shifts,
- Swap your shift
- 'Drop' and 'Give' your shifts, depending on how your employer has set up the account.
To acknowledge, swap, drop or give your shift from this page, hover over the end of the appropriate shift and the available options will appear.
If your employer has asked you to record your start and end time of your shift from the staff area, click on the green clock in button.
Once pressed it will record your GPS location and time. When you’ve finished your shift, click on the red clock out button and follow the prompts.
To access the calendar, click on the calendar option on the left hand side to see:
- All rostered shifts
- Available fill-in shifts
- Notes
- Pending or approved leave and unavailability (which is covered in more detail in a separate video)
Each item on your calendar will be outlined in various colours, and each is explained in the key at the bottom of the calendar.
The calendar section is a great way to get a snapshot view of what your month looks like. Ento will default to the current month, however, if you want to view future or previous month, click on the forward or back arrows at the top of the calendar. To action an item from the calendar, click on the day which the shift, leave or unavailability is on, and a pop up will appear.
Once you hover to the right of the shift, leave, or unavailability, the appropriate action button will appear on the right for you to select.
Calendar Sync
An awesome feature within the Ento staff area is the ability to sync your personal calendar, if you use Gmail, Outlook or iCal. All shifts rostered by your manager can be synced to your personal calendar once it’s connected. To do this click on the Sync button, select the appropriate option and follow the prompts.
The shifts section will list all pending shifts which have yet to be acknowledged. Below is the list of acknowledged upcoming shifts. You will see any pending shifts highlighted in red. To acknowledge a shift, go to the right of the shift, and click on the acknowledge button.
If you've received your roster summary via email, and want to acknowledge all your shifts, you can click on the 'here' hyperlink (highlighted in blue). This will take you to your staff account in a web browser. Once you’ve logged in, you can complete the acknowledgement shift process.
If you receive an SMS regarding your shifts, you can acknowledge them by reply SMS. Simply reply back with the appropriate reply code, which is stated in the message. Note: SMS links are active for 24 hours and will expire after then. If you have more than one shift to acknowledge the reply required for each will be different ie. YES, YES2, YES3 etc.
Each shift will list the start and end time, and depending on how your employer has set up the account, it may also show:
- the break length along with start time
- the location you are working at along with the role.
If your circumstances have changed and you need to swap, drop or find a cover for a shift, click on the appropriate option to the right of the shift. It’s important to note that you will need to acknowledge the shift first before these options will be available.
When swapping or giving a shift, Ento will provide you with a list of available staff to choose from along with their shifts. Again, depending on how your employer has set up the account you may not have access to these options, or requests may require approval from a manager first.
Once the swap or give approval is actioned, you will see the changes reflected within your account.
The Fill-ins section allows you to communicate your availability for fill in shifts.
In the event that your manager needs to staff a shift at short notice, they may choose to offer that shift to multiple staff who will then have the chance to offer their availability for it. This will appear as an alert in the fill in section, and may also be communicated via email or sms.
To state your availability for the shift, hover to the right of the shift and select the appropriate option.
The rosters section of the staff area will list out all of the published rosters that you have access to. It also lists out the name of the roster, the date range and the locations the roster covers.
Once you click on the roster you’d like to view, you will see a day by day breakdown of your shifts. Depending on how your employer has set up your account, you may also be able to see who else is rostered on each day.
To view the following days, click on the arrow icons to move forward and backwards in the roster.
Now on to Managing leave and unavailability in the Ento staff area