Send messages to your manager. Participate in team or company-wide discussions, and access shared files. Learn how to stay in touch!
This training video covers how to use communication features and adjust account settings within the Ento staff area.
The messages section allows you to communicate to your manager directly and view all your incoming messages.
To contact your manager, click on contact manager, enter in your subject line, then your message, then click ‘send’. Your manager/s will receive your message within their Ento inbox and will respond accordingly.
One thing to note is that replying directly to emails sent by Ento will not be sent to your manager. If you need to contact your manager use the contact message function.
On the left of the message section is is a list of messages which have been sent to you. These usually list your roster summaries, any shift notifications for changed or deleted shifts, and any other messages related to your Ento account.
The discussion section will host discussions that your manager has created for you to view and or reply to. Managers can use this function to create forums on certain topics. If you click on a conversation and it has a submit option, you will be able to contribute to the discussion.
Any discussion that has a yellow pin on the top right hand corner of the page will remain at the top of the list. This is set by the manager.
The next section is files. Managers can use this option to upload files for staff to have access to and download. To download a file, click on it and select download.
Any file that has a yellow pin on the top right hand corner of the page will remain at the top of the list. This is set by the manager.
The arrow icon on the top right hand corner of your account will let you access:
- your account settings.
- the help page, which includes additional guides and videos
- Ento Terms and conditions of use
- a link to log-out of your account
The settings section allows you to reset your password along with setting a new four digit clock in pin.
To reset your password, click on the settings section and enter in your current password, then enter your new password. Re-enter it in the confirmation section and click on save.
To set a new four digit pin, enter in your current password, enter in your desired four digit pin then click on “save”
You should now be ready to go!