Bulk Create rosters allows you to create multiple rosters in just a few clicks, instead of creating new rosters one-by-one.
In this article we'll step through how to:
Why use it?
Bulk create rosters is perfect for Organisations that have numerous locations and many different people (such as store or site managers) creating and assigning shifts and publishing rosters, but still want to enforce:
standard roster lengths
standardised roster names and
compliance with processes for when rosters should be published.
To illustrate, the responsibilities may be:
A head office or central operations manager bulk creates rosters for each location, populated with shifts based on a template roster
A location/store manager changes the shifts as needed and publishes the roster.
How does it work?
Bulk create will generate rosters for a future period, based on the rosters that already exist for the roster period you select.
To really supercharge your rostering and compliance efficiencies, we recommend you invest some time in creating future dated template rosters, that optimise your shift allocations and compliance.
Ento Tip: Bulk create works with template rosters dated up to 50 years in the future, so you can bulk create from the same template again and again.
Step 1: Enable Bulk Create rosters in Company Settings
First, you need to set your fixed roster cycle and a few other fields.
Go to Settings > Company Settings > Rostering
Scroll down the page to Roster Compliance
Under 'Do you have a fixed roster cycle?' select Yes.
Fill out your Roster length, start date and how many days in advance you would like roster managers to submit for publish, or publish directly.
Click Save.
Ento Tip: If your rostering managers have permission to publish rosters, leave the 'Submitted for publish x days in advance' blank. To check the permission level of your roster managers go to Settings > Manager Permissions > Edit > Rostering > Rosters.
Step 2: Create future dated templates (up to 50 years in advance)
Note: This step is optional if you already have past rosters that comply with the fixed roster period you've set in step 1.
Go to Rosters
At the top of the page you will see Create New and Bulk Create buttons.
Click Create New to create your future dated template rosters, which may look something like this 👇
Ento Tip: Your bulk created rosters will replicate how you have grouped your locations on your template rosters. eg. if you want 1 location per roster, you will need to created a future dated roster for each store for the same future dated period.
Step 3: Bulk Create your rosters for the required roster period
From Rosters, click Bulk Create
In the Copy from field, select the date range/roster period of your template rosters or previous rosters you wish to copy from.
In the To field select the roster period for which you want rosters created
Under Copy shifts with rosters? select Yes unless you want your new rosters to have no shifts in them when first created.
Click Proceed.
And that's it! When the progress bar says Status (Completed), there will be a list of rosters that have been created. The new rosters now exist and are listed on the Rosters page, ready for location managers to edit shifts and publish. 💪