There are a number of ways to inform employees about the hours that they are required to work. Some, or all, of these methods can be used, however, it is important that a regular process is established and is understood by everyone who needs to use it:
- A hand-written, or a printed schedule, which is pinned to the wall in an easily accessible place within the work environment.
- A spread sheet file, or personal note, which is emailed to employees.
- Telephone calls or text messages to mobile phones.
Transparent methods and processes need to be used so that employees clearly understand:
- The days and times that they are working;
- Times and lengths of any breaks that they receive;
- How they can apply for leave or log extra hours that they have worked;
- Procedures which are to be followed in the case of accidents or sickness which happen at work, or prevent an employee from attending work;
- And lastly a method that is in place for employees to express any grievance that they have.