Everything a manager needs, all in one place.
The dashboard is the pulse of your Ento account. Jump straight to the most accessed locations of your account, complete with alerts on items requiring your action. At a glance, see who is scheduled on at any point in the day and who hasn't clocked in or out.
Depending on your level of access, you may only see some of the below functionality.
Account shortcuts & alerts
You will find quick links to the most commonly access locations of Ento in the top left location of the dashboard. A count of alerts within the section will show in red within the buttons, details below:
Button | Description |
Work on schedule | The 'Work on schedule' button will take you directly to the last schedule you were working on. An alert in this button represents the amount of shifts overdue to acknowledgement by employee, if the schedule is published and you are using the shift acknowledgement feature. |
Timesheets | Click this button to be taken to the review timesheets page. The alert in this button is used to indicate the quantity of timesheets that have been submitted but not yet approved. |
Employees | Jump straight to your employee list. |
Send message | Need to send some or all of your employees a message in a hurry? Click the 'Send message' button to start writing. |
Leave_vacation | The total amount of leave_vacation requests for employees within the locations you can manage will be listed in the alert within this button. |
Unavailability | Like leave_vacation, the alert within this button will show the total pending unavailability requests. |
Schedules | The 'Schedules' button will show if your company has at least one manager permission profile that is only able to submit schedules for publish, instead of being able to publish them directly. The total amount of schedules pending publish will show in the alert and the link will take you to the filtered list of schedules. |
Payroll | Click this button to be taken to the 'Pay Cycle' page. The total number of unprocessed pay cycles will show in the alert. |
The hours graph plots a blue line for the total scheduled hours over the previous and next week. A red line representing 'actual' hours for the last week will be shown on top of the blue. 'Actual' hours in this case mean the latest published or authorized hours.
Important Dates
A list showing the previous and upcoming 7 days of any important dates. These include birthdays, work anniversaries, employee commencements, public holidays and certification & qualification expiration.
Day snapshot
The day snapshot shows everyone scheduled on for the day. Employees on leave/vacation are shown in 'On leave/vacation' section. If someone listed should be clocked in or out and aren't, their tile will show in red. Use the < or > buttons and calendar icon to change the date the table covers. Or the 'Location' drop-down to the left to change the location being shown.